The Illusion of Immortality

C.J. Carter-Stephenson

Originally published in Eclipse, Issue 29.

We walk the path arm-in-arm.
The wind is still, the stars serene,
Instilling us with an unearthly calm.
In time, we near a poignant scene,
Where shards of glass glitter like tears -
One for each of the countless years
It has been since last you spoke my name.
Memories stir, emotions bloom,
I pray your mind will come back soon.

Seeing your hand smooth your hair,
I feel again your cool caress,
And though it's in my mind alone,
It seems to touch my very soul.
Our love was once so strong and deep
It made the very angels weep.
Now your eyes are glazed and empty -
The past exacts a mighty toll.
I try to meet your vacant stare,
I think of when you used to care.

Once your voice inspired fear,
Your name was worshipped far and wide.
Adoring acolytes gave their lives
Into what seemed omnipotent hands.
You never knew quite what to say
As you watched them slowly drift away,
And when only memories remained
Your reason shattered with the strain.
For countless days you cried and cried
Unable to accept the goddess had died.

Poetry Divider.

The right of C. J. Carter-Stephenson to be identified as the writer of this poem has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, or a license permitting restricted copying.